Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Aim:How do we use other definitions transformations?

Glide Reflection: The combination of a reflection in a line and a translation along that line.

Orientation: Refers to the arrangements of the points, relative to one another , after a transformation has occured.

Invariant: A figure or property that remains unchanged under a transformation of the plane is referred to as invariant. (something that stays the same and doesn't change)

An opposite isometry changes the order.

A direct isometry preserves orientation the letters go in the same clockwise and counterclockwise direction on the firgure and its image.

Aim:How do we solve composition of transformation problems?

Composition Of Transformations 

When two or more transformations are combined to form a new transformation, the result is called a composition of transformation.It follows a translation.

Ex: Find the coordinates of the image of (2,4) under the transformation ry-axis oT(3,-5)

(3,-5)   = (5,-1)

The symbol for a composition of transformations is an open circle. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

How do we graph dilations?

Aim:How do we graph dilations?

Dilations:A type of transformation that causes an image to stretch or shrink in proportion to its original size.

Scale factor: the ratio by which the image stratches or shrinks is known as the scale factor.

- Multiply the dimensions of the original image by the scale factor to get the dimensions of the dilated image.

Ex: Find the image of (3,-2) under the dilation2
               3x2=6       -2x2=-4

Monday, February 6, 2012

How do we identify transformations?

How do we identify transformations?

 A transformation is when you move a geometric figure. There are 4 types of transformations:

1.Translation: Every point is moved the same distance in the same direction.
2.Reflection: Figure is flipped over a line of symmetry.
3.Rotation: Figure is turned around a single point.
4.Dilation: An enlargement or reduction in size of image.